
MapMaster 3

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MapMaster 3

Electricity from Solar Power


Total annual production of electricity from solar power, as a percentage of total electricity production, by country

U.S. Energy Information Administration

A map showing solar power as a percentage of total electricity production. Highest solar power in Australia, Namibia, and Israel, marked in dark red. Countries with the lowest percentages are shaded in orange and light orange, like Canada and Russia.

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Electricity from Solar Power

Deforestation: Net Loss, 2000-2015

Areas Affected by Acid Rain

Major Territorial Acquisitions (U.S.)



Percent of electricity generation

Deforestation: Net Loss, 2000-2015

Acid Rain

Polluted air emissions leading to acid rain

Extent of U.S., 1803

Louisiana Purchase, 1803

West Florida, 1810–1813

British Cession, 1818

East Florida, 1819

Northern Maine, 1842

Texas Annexation, 1845

Oregon Country, 1846

Mexican Cession, 1848

Gadsden Purchase, 1853

Alaska, 1867

Hawaii, 1898
