
MapMaster 3

Atlas (Beta)
MapMaster 3

Carbonate Outcrops

WorldPhysical Environment

Locations of outcrops of carbonate rocks, primarily limestone and dolostone


A map illustrates the global distribution of carbonate rock outcrops, indicated by yellow dots across various continents.

In North America, outcrops are prevalent along the western coast, the southeastern United States, and parts of Mexico. Central America and the Caribbean also have notable concentrations, particularly in Costa Rica and Cuba. In South America, significant outcrops are found in Venezuela, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, and Paraguay. Europe shows widespread outcrops, especially in France, Spain, Poland, and Ukraine, with additional dots in the United Kingdom and Sweden. Africa has notable outcrops in Morocco, Algeria, Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Angola, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and South Africa. In Asia, outcrops are concentrated in Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines, with additional dots in China, Mongolia, and Russia. Southeast Asia has numerous outcrops, particularly in Indonesia. In Australia, outcrops are found along the eastern coast and in southern Australia, with additional dots in New Zealand.

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Carbonate Outcrops

Proven Oil Reserves

Hydroelectric Power Production

Tropical Forests

Carbonate Outcrops



Percent of world reserves

Bad Creek Hydroelectric Power Plant SC USA

Bath County Pumped Storage Hydroelecric Power Plant VA USA

Beauharnois Hydroelectric Power Plant Canada

Bersimis-1 Hydroelectric Power Plant Canada

Blenheim Gilboa Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Power Plant NY USA

Bonneville Hydro Power Plant OR USA

Boundary Dam Hydro Power Plant WA USA

Castaic Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Power Plant CA USA

Chief Joseph Hydro Power Plant WA USA

Churchill Falls Hydroelectric Generating Station Canada

G M Shrum (W.A.C. Bennett) Hydroelectric Power Plant Canada

Glen Canyon Dam Hydro Power Plant AZ USA

Grand Coulee Hydro Power Plant WA USA

Helms Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Power Plant CA USA

Hoover Dam Hydro Power Plant AZ/NV USA

John Day Hydro Power Plant OR USA

Kettle Rapids Hydroelectric generating Station Canada

La Grande-1 Hydroelectric Generating Station Canada

La Grande-2-A Hydroelectric Generating Station Canada

La grande-3 Hydroelectric Generating Station Canada

La grande-4 Hydroelectric Generating Station Canada

Limestone Hydroelectric Generating Station Canada

Long Spruce Hydroelectric Geneerating Station Canada

Ludington Hydro Power Plant MI USA

Manic-2 (Jean-Lesage) Hydroelectric Generating Station Canada

Manic-3 (Rene-Levesque) Hydroelectric Generating Station Canada

Manic-5 Hydroelectric Generating Station Canada

Manic-5-PA Hydroelectric generating Station Canada

Mica Creek Hydroelectric Power Plant Canada

Muddy Run Pumped Storage Hydro Power Plant PA USA

Northfield Mountain Pumped Storage Hydro Power Plant MA USA

Outardes-3 Hydroelectric Power Plant Canada

R.H. Saunders Hydroelectric Power Plant Canada

Raccoon Mountain Pumped Storage Hydro Power Plant TN USA

Revelstoke Hydroelectric Power Plant Canada

Robert Moses Niagara Hydro Power Plant NY USA

Robert-Bourassa Hydroelectric Generating Station Canada

Rocky Mountain Pumped Storage Hydro Hydro Power Plant GA USA

Rocky Reach Hydro Power Plant WA USA

Sir Adam Beck II Hydroelectric Generating Station Canada

The Dalles Hydro Power Plant OR USA

Toktogul Hydroelectric Power Plant Kyrgyzstan

Wanapum Hydro Power Plant WA USA

Tropical Forests
