
MapMaster 3

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MapMaster 3

Approximate Form and Extent of Outcrop of Carbonate Rocks

WorldPhysical Environment

Extent of carbonate rocks or predominantly carbonate sequences


A map showing the approximate form and extent of outcrop of carbonate rocks worldwide, highlighted in green.

The outcrops of carbonate rocks are scattered across various regions. In North America, notable areas include the southeastern United States and parts of Mexico. The Caribbean also has some carbonate rock outcrops. In South America, small outcrops are present in Brazil. Africa has outcrops in northwestern and southern regions, including Morocco, Algeria, and South Africa. Europe shows significant outcrops in central and southern areas, particularly in countries like Spain, Italy, and Austria. Russia has some outcrops, while Asia has smaller areas of outcrops in countries like Myanmar, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, and Japan. In Australia, outcrops are found in the southern part of the country.

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Approximate Form and Extent of Outcrop of Carbonate Rocks

Southern African Development Community (SADC) Members

Lead Mines

Lead Production by Country

Major Waterfalls and Cataracts

Approximate Form and Extent of Outcrop of Carbonate Rocks


Lead Mines



Metric tons

Alexandra Falls

Athabasca Falls

Baileys Chute

Celilo Falls

Cohoes Falls

Cumberland Falls

Great Falls

Kettle Falls

Kootenai Falls

Little Falls

Louise Falls

Marcus Falls

Niagara Falls

Osprey Falls

Rearguard Falls

Sandstone Falls

Sherars Falls

Vermilion Falls

Virginia Falls

Waterloo Falls

Willamette Falls
