
MapMaster 3

Atlas (Beta)
MapMaster 3

Aid Dependency Net ODA received as a percentage of GNI


Multilateral aid received, in U.S. dollars, as a percentage of a country's gross national income

World Bank

A map showing aid dependency as a percentage of G N I. Red indicates more than 15, in South Sudan and Mozambique. Medium orange indicates 7 to 15, in Mali. Light orange shows 3 to 6, as in Guinea. Light yellow indicates less than 3, in South Africa.

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Aid Dependency Net ODA received as a percentage of GNI

Mean Sea-Surface Temperature




-2.0 to 0.0

0.0 to 1.9

2.0 to 3.9

4.0 to 5.9

6.0 to 7.9

8.0 to 9.9

10.0 to 11.9

12.0 to 13.9

14.0 to 15.9

18.0 to 19.9

20.0 to 21.9

22.0 to 23.9

24.0 to 25.9

26.0 to 27.9

28.0 to 29.9
