
MapMaster 3

Atlas (Beta)
MapMaster 3

Drought Risk

WorldPhysical Environment

Areas of the world at risk for future drought. Risk is determined by a combination of environmental factors (e.g., historic drought occurrence), human factors that affect the likelihood of drought exposure (e.g., crop production, grazing, etc.) and social, economic, and infrastructure factors that affect how well a population can cope with drought (e.g., water impoundment and delivery).


A world map shows drought risk levels, depicted in various colors from dark red as risk level 9 to very light yellow as risk level 1. Some of the highlighted regions are Level 9: some areas of India. Level 1: some areas of central Africa and Vietnam.

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Drought Risk

Average Annual Snowfall

Diamond Production by Country

Risk level 1 (very low)

Risk level 2

Risk level 3 (low)

Risk level 4

Risk level 5 (moderate)

Risk level 6

160 in and over

110–159 in

60–109 in

30–59 in

15–29 in

Under 15 in



Thousand carats
