
MapMaster 3

Atlas (Beta)
MapMaster 3

Adult Females with only a Primary Education

WorldSocial / Health

The percentage of the female population ages 25 and older that attained or completed primary education as the highest level of education

World Bank

A map highlighting adult females with only a primary education by country. Red indicates higher percentages, such as the U S, India, Australia, and most of South America. Orange to light orange indicates medium percentages, such as China and Ethiopia. Yellow indicates the lowest percentages, such as in Russia and Niger

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Adult Females with only a Primary Education

Major Waterfalls and Cataracts




Alexandra Falls

Athabasca Falls

Baileys Chute

Celilo Falls

Cohoes Falls

Cumberland Falls

Great Falls

Kettle Falls

Kootenai Falls

Little Falls

Louise Falls

Marcus Falls

Niagara Falls

Osprey Falls

Rearguard Falls

Sandstone Falls

Sherars Falls

Vermilion Falls

Virginia Falls

Waterloo Falls

Willamette Falls
