
MapMaster 3

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MapMaster 3

Women's Share of the Population Ages 15 and Older Living with HIV

WorldSocial / Health

The percentage of the total population ages 15 and older who are living with HIV and are female

World Bank

A map displays women's share of the population ages 15 and older living with H I V by country. Dark red in most of Africa. Medium red in India and Algeria. Orange in Brazil and Kazakhstan. Light orange in Australia and Saudi Arabia.

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Women's Share of the Population Ages 15 and Older Living with HIV

Areas at Risk of Soil Degradation

Peak Drought Record, 2016 (U.S.)




Areas of serious concern

Areas of some concern

Stable terrain

Nonvegetated land

D0 Abnormally Dry

D1 Drought - Moderate

D2 Drought - Severe

D3 Drought - Extreme

D4 Drought - Exceptional
