
MapMaster 3

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MapMaster 3

Adult Female Literacy Rate

WorldSocial / Health

The percentage of women ages 15 and older who can both read and write with understanding a short simple statement about their everyday life

World Bank

A map highlighting adult female literacy rates by country. Dark blue indicates more than 97 percent such as in Russia and Argentina. Medium blue such as Brazil. Light blue such as Libya. Very light blue such as several African countries and India.

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Adult Female Literacy Rate

Climate Zones

Copper Mines




Tropical rain forest (Af)

Tropical monsoon (Am)

Tropical savanna (Aw)

Tropical, subtropical hot desert (BWh)

Midlatitude cold desert (BWk)

Tropical, subtropical hot steppe (BSh)

Midlatitude cold steppe (BSk)

Humid subtropical moist all year, hot summer (Cfa)

Marine West Coast (Cfb, Cfc)

Mediterranean (Csa, Csb)

Humid continental, hot summers (Dfa, Dwa, Dsa)

Humid continental, mild summers (Dfb, Dwb, Dsb)

Subarctic, cool summer (Dfc, Dwc, Dsc)

Tundra (ET)

