
MapMaster 3

Atlas (Beta)
MapMaster 3

Municipal Solid Waste per Capita

WorldSocial / HealthEconomic

Amount of municipal solid waste generated by countries per capita

World Bank

A map displaying municipal solid waste per capita in kilograms per day. More than 1.5 is shaded dark red (U S A and Canada). 1 to 1.5 is shaded light red (Russia, Australia). 0.5 to 0.9 is shaded medium orange (Brazil, China). Less than 0.5 is shaded light orange (India, Democratic Republic of Congo).

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Municipal Solid Waste per Capita

Areas at Risk of Soil Degradation

Herder's Environment



Kilograms per day

Areas of serious concern

Areas of some concern

Stable terrain

Nonvegetated land

Herder's Environment
