
MapMaster 3

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MapMaster 3

Selected Native Land Reserves

North AmericaCulturalPoliticalGeopolitical

Land set aside for native or aboriginal groups in selected countries


Lands belonging to indigenous groups shaded yellow across various region, including Canada, the United States, Pakistan, and Australia, without naming the specific groups.

In Canada, numerous small reserves of First Nation peoples are scattered across southern Canada, primarily west of Ontario, while large tracts are found in northern Canada, particularly in Nunavut, the Northwest Territory, and Yukon. In the eastern United States, Native American lands are represented as a few small enclaves. In the western United States, large Indian reservations are found in states such as Oklahoma, the Dakotas, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Washington, and Oregon, with a few small scattered reservations in California. In Pakistan, the land reserve includes the federally administered tribal areas along the country’s border with Afghanistan. In Australia, the largest contiguous area of Aboriginal lands occupies much of the west-central part of the country, with smaller areas in the north, particularly in Arnhem Land and the York Peninsula bordering the Gulf of Carpentaria. Western Australia also has several smaller tracts of native land reserves.

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Selected Native Land Reserves

Clean Water Access

Major Waterfalls and Cataracts

Selected Native Land Reserves




Alexandra Falls

Athabasca Falls

Baileys Chute

Celilo Falls

Cohoes Falls

Cumberland Falls

Great Falls

Kettle Falls

Kootenai Falls

Little Falls

Louise Falls

Marcus Falls

Niagara Falls

Osprey Falls

Rearguard Falls

Sandstone Falls

Sherars Falls

Vermilion Falls

Virginia Falls

Waterloo Falls

Willamette Falls
