
MapMaster 3

Atlas (Beta)
MapMaster 3

Natural Gas Production (%)


Natural gas production as a percentage of global production by country


Countries based on natural gas produced. Highest producers, U S A and Russia, are shaded dark blue. Moderate producers, China, Australia, and Canada, are shaded moderate blue. Least producers, South America, and India are shaded light blue.

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Natural Gas Production (%)

Mean Sea-Surface Temperature

European Union (EU)

Effectiveness of World Fisheries Management



Percent of world production

-2.0 to 0.0

0.0 to 1.9

2.0 to 3.9

4.0 to 5.9

6.0 to 7.9

8.0 to 9.9

10.0 to 11.9

12.0 to 13.9

14.0 to 15.9

18.0 to 19.9

20.0 to 21.9

22.0 to 23.9

24.0 to 25.9

26.0 to 27.9

28.0 to 29.9


Bermudian Exclusive Economic Zone

Canadian Exclusive Economic Zone

United States Exclusive Economic Zone (Alaska)

United States Exclusive Economic Zone (Hawaii)

United States Exclusive Economic Zone

French Polynesian Exclusive Economic Zone

Kiribati Exclusive Economic Zone (Line Islands)
