
MapMaster 3

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MapMaster 3

Iron Ore Production by Country


Production of iron ore by country


Iron ore production by country in thousand metric tons. Dark red (more than 100,000): Brazil, Russia. Orange to light orange (1 to 100,000): North America, South Africa, Mongolia, Algeria, and Pakistan. Very light orange (0 to 0.9): Most of Africa, Greenland.

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Iron Ore Production by Country

Origin of International Migrants Residing in the United Kingdom, 2020

Major Territorial Acquisitions (U.S.)



Thousand metric tons

Origin of International Migrants Residing in the United Kingdom, 2020

Origin of International Migrants Residing in the United Kingdom, 2020

Origin of International Migrants Residing in the United Kingdom, 2020

Origin of International Migrants Residing in the United Kingdom, 2020

Extent of U.S., 1803

Louisiana Purchase, 1803

West Florida, 1810–1813

British Cession, 1818

East Florida, 1819

Northern Maine, 1842

Texas Annexation, 1845

Oregon Country, 1846

Mexican Cession, 1848

Gadsden Purchase, 1853

Alaska, 1867

Hawaii, 1898
