
MapMaster 3

Atlas (Beta)
MapMaster 3

Poor Urban Air Quality

WorldPhysical Environment

Ambient (outdoor) air pollution levels represented by annual mean concentration of particulate matter smaller than 10 (PM₁₀), for cities of the world with more than 100,000 inhabitants

World Health Organization

The map shows urban air quality in terms of micrograms of particulate matter per cubic meter of air. For the purposes of this description, the five categories on the map are simplified to less 80 micrograms per cubic meter; between 80 and 200 micrograms per cubic meter; and more than 200 micrograms per cubic meter. In North America, there are several areas with multiple locations where air quality is less than 80 micrograms: in Canada, near Vancouver, British Columbia; in Alberta; and in southern Ontario and Quebec near the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River. In the United States, areas with air pollution in this range occur in mainly in California and in the Midwest and Northeast. A few scattered locations in Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean (Jamaica) also have pollution in this range. In South America, air quality less than 80 micrograms per cubic meter occurs in widely scattered locations, such as Caracas, Venezuela; Colombia; Ecuador; Bolivia; northern and central Chile; Buenos Aires, Argentina; and north of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Most of Western and Central Europe have air pollution of less than 80 micrograms per cubic meter. Exceptions include Ireland, Portugal, and Scandinavia. (In Russia, air pollution is at this level in Moscow, but east of the Urals in Siberia, there are also sites that are more polluted—between 80 and 200 micrograms. Africa has relatively little air pollution of this type, areas less than 80 micrograms include Liberia, Tanzania, Madagascar, and South Africa (the area around Johannesburg). In Southwest Asia, Turkey, Lebanon, Israel, and Cyprus have multiple sites less than 80 micrograms per cubic meter. However, Iran and the Persian Gulf states (Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates) have multiple sites between 80 and 200 micrograms, and Iraq and Bahrain have sites that are higher than 200 micrograms. Apart from Kabul, Afghanistan, which is higher than 200 micrograms per cubic meter, there are no countries in Central Asia that have poor urban air quality according to the criteria used here. In northern Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh, there are cities with poor urban air quality—ranging from 80 to more than 200 micrograms per cubic meter. In southern India, Sri Lanka, and Nepal, pollution levels range from below 80 up to 200 micrograms per cubic meter. In Southeast Asia, pollution in Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, and Indonesia is generally less than 80 micrograms, except in the northern Philippines, where it is between 80 and 200. In the cities of southern and western China, pollution is less than 80 micrograms per cubic meter, except in far western Urumqi, which is between 80 and 200 micrograms. In eastern and northern China urban air pollution increases to between 80 and 200 micrograms. Mongolia has a few locations less than 80 micrograms per cubic meter and others between 80 and 200 micrograms. South Korea has numerous cities with pollution less than 80, whereas in Japan, Tokyo is the only city in this category. In Oceania, only New Zealand is identified as having poor urban air quality, with two locations on the South Island less than 80 micrograms per cubic meter.

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Poor Urban Air Quality

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Power Plants




Oklahoma City

San Antonio








Spring Hill


St. Louis


West Palm Beach





Las Cruces






Baton Rouge







Rock Island





People per square kilometer

AES Deepwater Oil Plant TX USA

Baxter Wilson Oil Plant MS USA

Bayboro Oil Plant FL USA

Benning Oil Plant DC USA

Blue Lake Oil Plant MN USA

Bowline Point Oil Plant NY USA

Burlington Oil Plant CO USA

Burnside Combustion Turbines Generating Station Canada

Buzzard Point Oil Plant DC USA

Buzzard Roost Oil Plant SC USA

Canal Oil Plant MA USA

Chillicothe Oil Plant MO USA

Cleary Flood Oil Plant MA USA

Commonwealth Chesapeake Oil Plant VA USA

Courtney Bay Oil Power Plant Canada (Shutdown)

Croydon CT Generating Station Oil Plant PA USA

Dalhousie Oil Power Station Canada

Darbytown Oil Plant VA USA

DeBary Oil Plant FL USA

Delaware Generating Station Oil Plant PA USA

Devon Station Oil Plant CT USA

Edgewater Oil Plant OH USA

ExxonMobil Beaumont Refinery Oil Plant TX USA

Fermi Oil Plant MI USA

Frederickson Oil Plant WA USA

G E Turner Oil Plant FL USA

Gerald Andrus Oil Plant MS USA

Gravel Neck Oil Plant VA USA

Hay Road CCGT Power Plant DE USA

Holtsville Oil Plant NY USA

Holyrood Thermal Generating Station Canada

Honolulu Oil Plant HI USA

Indian River Oil Plant FL USA

Intercession City Oil Plant FL USA

Jones Street Oil Plant NE USA

Kalaeola Cogen Plant Oil Plant HI USA

Kemper County Oil Plant MS USA

Lagoon Creek Oil Plant TN USA

Lincoln Combustion Oil Plant NC USA

Maalaea Oil Plant HI USA

Manatee Oil Plant FL USA

Marshalltown Oil Plant IA USA

Martin Oil Plant FL USA

McKee Run Oil Plant DE USA

McManus Oil Plant GA USA

Miami Wabash Oil Plant IN USA

Middletown Oil Plant CT USA

Millbank OCGT Generating Station Canada

Millinocket Mill Oil Plant ME USA

Montville Station Oil Plant CT USA

Myrtle Beach Oil Plant SC USA

Newington Oil Plant NH USA

North Pole Oil Plant AK USA

Northeast Oil Plant MO USA

Northport Oil Plant NY USA

Northside Generating Station Oil Plant FL USA

Oakland Power Plant Oil Plant CA USA

Oswego Harbor Power Oil Plant NY USA

P L Bartow Oil Plant FL USA

Panda Brandywine LP Oil Plant MD USA

Parkdale Oil Plant TX USA

Point Beach Oil Plant WI USA

Port Everglades Oil Plant FL USA

Potter Station 2 Oil Plant MA USA

PPL Shoreham Energy LLC Oil Plant NY USA

PSEG Albany Generating Station Oil Plant NY USA

Richmond Generating Station Oil Plant PA USA

Riviera Oil Plant FL USA

Roseton Generating Station Oil Plant NY USA

Schuylkill Generating Station Oil Plant PA USA

Sherman Avenue Oil Plant NJ USA

Spirit Mound Oil Plant SD USA

Stony Brook Oil Plant MA USA

Suwannee River Oil Plant FL USA

Thomas Fitzhugh Oil Plant AR USA

Tufts Cove Oil Generating Station Canada

Turkey Point Oil Plant FL USA

Vienna Operations Oil Plant MD USA

Wading River Oil Plant NY USA

Waiau Oil Plant HI USA

Warren Oil Plant PA USA

Werner Oil Plant NJ USA

West Springfield Oil Plant MA USA

Wilson Oil Plant GA USA
