
MapMaster 3

Atlas (Beta)
MapMaster 3

Higher Education Enrollment

WorldCulturalSocial / Health

Ratio of students enrolled to total population in tertiary education age (18–24) group. Percentages can exceed 100% where students attending colleges and universities come from outside the 18- to 24-age group.

World Bank

Higher education enrollment rates: Dark green (more than 84 percent): U S A, Australia. Green to light green (30 to 84 percent): Russia, Iran, most of Europe, China, Mexico. Very light green (less than 30 percent): Parts of Africa (Sudan) and Asia (India).

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Higher Education Enrollment

Arable Land

Agricultural Regions

Climate Zones






Percent of land

Specialty crop or livestock farming

Mixed farming

Commercial wheat and other small grain farming

Dairy farming

General farming

Livestock ranching

Irrigated agriculture

Mediterranean agriculture (with irrigation)


Tropical rain forest (Af)

Tropical monsoon (Am)

Tropical savanna (Aw)

Tropical, subtropical hot desert (BWh)

Midlatitude cold desert (BWk)

Tropical, subtropical hot steppe (BSh)

Midlatitude cold steppe (BSk)

Humid subtropical moist all year, hot summer (Cfa)

Marine West Coast (Cfb, Cfc)

Mediterranean (Csa, Csb)

Humid continental, hot summers (Dfa, Dwa, Dsa)

Humid continental, mild summers (Dfb, Dwb, Dsb)

Subarctic, cool summer (Dfc, Dwc, Dsc)

Tundra (ET)
