
MapMaster 3

Atlas (Beta)
MapMaster 3

Acid Rain

United StatesPhysical Environment

Average acidity of precipitation in the United States. Lower pH values represent greater acidity.

Geosystems: Intro to Physical Geography

A map shows the p H levels of acid rain in the U.S. States like Ohio and Pennsylvania have the lowest p H levels (4.50 to 4.59 p H, black). States like Arizona and Nevada show the highest p H levels (greater than or equals 5.30 p H, light yellow).

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Acid Rain

Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) Members

Religious Affiliations (U.S.)

4.50–4.59 pH

4.60–4.69 pH

4.70–4.79 pH

4.80–4.89 pH

4.90–4.99 pH

5.00–5.09 pH

5.10–5.19 pH

5.20–5.29 pH

≥5.30 pH


African American, Protestant

Hispanic, Catholic

Hispanic, Evangelical Protestant

Native American, Catholic

Non-Hispanic White, Catholic

Non-Hispanic White, Evangelical Protestant

Non-Hispanic White, Mainline Protestant

Non-Hispanic White, Mormon

