
MapMaster 3

Atlas (Beta)
MapMaster 3

Earthquake Hazard Areas (U.S.)

North AmericaPhysical Environment

Areas in the United States with greater than 1% probability of potentially damaging ground shaking in one year


A map highlights earthquake hazard areas across the United States using a color-coded scheme to indicate different levels of hazard.

The lowest hazard areas are shaded in blue, covering parts of Texas, Florida, Iowa, North Dakota, and Wisconsin, as well as extreme northern regions of Alaska. Low hazard areas are shaded in purple, seen in regions such as parts of the eastern and middle United States, including Dallas, Chicago, and Washington D.C. Moderately low hazard areas are shaded in pink, found in central and northern Illinois, and spread across western parts including Oregon, Arizona, and New Mexico. Moderate hazard areas are shaded in orange, covering parts of the eastern and western regions, and most of Alaska. Moderately high hazard areas are shaded in yellow, covering regions such as the West Coast, including California, Oregon, and Washington, as well as Fairbanks in Alaska. High hazard areas are shaded in light brown, seen in parts of Anchorage and the western coastal regions. The highest hazard areas are shaded in dark brown, notably in regions like southern Alaska and parts of California, including the San Francisco and Los Angeles areas.

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Earthquake Hazard Areas (U.S.)

Land Cover

Human Trafficking

World Administration Divisions: Fills

Lowest hazard

Low hazard

Moderately low hazard

Moderate hazard

Moderately high hazard

High hazard

Highest hazard

Evergreen forest

Deciduous forest


Mixed forest




Permanent wetlands

Urban and built-up

Cropland and natural vegetation

Snow and ice

Barren or sparsely vegetated


Alabama, United States of America

Alaska, United States of America

Alberta, Canada

Arizona, United States of America

Arkansas, United States of America

British Columbia, Canada

California, United States of America

Colorado, United States of America

Connecticut, United States of America

Delaware, United States of America

District of Columbia, United States of America

Florida, United States of America

Georgia, United States of America

Hawaii, United States of America

Idaho, United States of America

Illinois, United States of America

Indiana, United States of America

Iowa, United States of America

Kansas, United States of America

Kentucky, United States of America

Kiribati, Kiribati

Louisiana, United States of America

Maine, United States of America

Manitoba, Canada

Marquesas Islands, French Polynesia

Maryland, United States of America

Massachusetts, United States of America

Michigan, United States of America

Minnesota, United States of America

Mississippi, United States of America

Missouri, United States of America

Montana, United States of America

Nebraska, United States of America

Nevada, United States of America

New Brunswick, Canada

New Hampshire, United States of America

New Jersey, United States of America

New Mexico, United States of America

New York, United States of America

Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

North Carolina, United States of America

North Dakota, United States of America

Northwest Territories, Canada

Nova Scotia, Canada

Nunavut, Canada

Ohio, United States of America

Oklahoma, United States of America

Ontario, Canada

Oregon, United States of America

Pennsylvania, United States of America

Prince Edward Island, Canada

Québec, Canada

Rhode Island, United States of America

Saskatchewan, Canada

South Carolina, United States of America

South Dakota, United States of America

Tennessee, United States of America

Texas, United States of America

Utah, United States of America

Vermont, United States of America

Virginia, United States of America

Washington, United States of America

West Virginia, United States of America

Wisconsin, United States of America

Wyoming, United States of America

Yukon, Canada
