
MapMaster 3

Atlas (Beta)
MapMaster 3

European Settlement Expansion

North AmericaPolitical

European settlement in North America from 1750–1910. Use timeline controls at bottom of the map to display data by time period.


A map highlights the European settlement expansion across North America.

The orange regions indicate areas where European settlers expanded, primarily covering the eastern and central United States, extending from the East Coast, including states like New York, Virginia, and Massachusetts, to the Midwest, including Ohio, Illinois, and Indiana. It also extends to parts of the South, including Georgia, Florida, and Texas, and further west into areas like California, Oregon, and Washington.

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European Settlement Expansion

Sea-Level Rise Vulnerability (1 m)

Climate Zones

Aluminum Production by Country

Settled 1750–1850

Settled by 1750

Settled by 1910

Sea-Level Rise Vulnerability (1 m)

Tropical rain forest (Af)

Tropical monsoon (Am)

Tropical savanna (Aw)

Tropical, subtropical hot desert (BWh)

Midlatitude cold desert (BWk)

Tropical, subtropical hot steppe (BSh)

Midlatitude cold steppe (BSk)

Humid subtropical moist all year, hot summer (Cfa)

Marine West Coast (Cfb, Cfc)

Mediterranean (Csa, Csb)

Humid continental, hot summers (Dfa, Dwa, Dsa)

Humid continental, mild summers (Dfb, Dwb, Dsb)

Subarctic, cool summer (Dfc, Dwc, Dsc)

Tundra (ET)



Thousand metric tons
