
MapMaster 3

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MapMaster 3

Rice Production (U.S.)

North AmericaEconomicAgriculture

Rice production in metric tons by state


A map shows that Arkansas is the largest rice producer in the U S. California and Louisiana are medium producers, while Missouri is a small producer. The rice producers are shown by a light orange circle of different size.

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Rice Production (U.S.)

Areas at Risk of Soil Degradation

Oil Shale or Tar Sands

Change in Urbanization

Areas of Heavy Groundwater Extraction

Rice Production (U.S.)

Rice Production (U.S.)

Rice Production (U.S.)

Rice Production (U.S.)

Rice Production (U.S.)

Rice Production (U.S.)

Rice Production (U.S.)

Areas of serious concern

Areas of some concern

Stable terrain

Nonvegetated land

Oil Shale or Tar Sands



Percentage of annual change

Areas of Heavy Groundwater Extraction

Denver Basin
