
MapMaster 3

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MapMaster 3

Sea-Surface Temperature Anomalies: La Niña

OceansPhysical Environment

A composite of sea-surface temperature anomalies during La Niña from November to March during the following years: 1955, 1956, 1965, 1971, 1974, 1976, 1989, and 1999. When sea-surface temperatures in the tropical eastern Pacific drop below normal, it is known as a La Niña event.


Sea-surface temperature: Negative 0.5 to negative 1.5 (purple): Central Pacific regions. Negative 0.25 to 0.25 (light purple) are in the Arctic and Atlantic Ocean. 0.25 to 2.25 (red) are mostly in the North Atlantic Ocean and South Pacific Ocean.

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Sea-Surface Temperature Anomalies: La Niña

Lead Mines

Rice Production (U.S.)

Meat Production

-1.75 to -1.5

-1.5 to -1.25

-1.25 to -1.0

-1.0 to -0.75

-0.5 to -0.25

-0.25 to 0.25

0.5 to 0.75

Lead Mines

Rice Production (U.S.)

Rice Production (U.S.)

Rice Production (U.S.)

Rice Production (U.S.)

Rice Production (U.S.)

Rice Production (U.S.)

Rice Production (U.S.)



Million Metric Tons
