
MapMaster 3

Atlas (Beta)
MapMaster 3

Areas at Risk of Soil Degradation

WorldPhysical Environment

Levels of concern for there to be a decline in soil quality caused by its improper use, usually for agricultural, pastoral, industrial, or urban purposes.

Geosystems: Intro to Physical Geography

A map illustrates areas at risk of soil degradation worldwide, categorized by serious concern, some concern, stable terrain, and non-vegetated land.

The map shows areas at risk of soil degradation using different colors.

Areas of Serious Concern (light pink): North America: Great Plains, southwestern deserts, and Mississippi Valley.

Central America: Most of the land.

South America: Lands along the Andes mountains, parts of interior and coastal Brazil.

Europe: Mostly in Eastern Europe.

Africa: Near the Mediterranean in North Africa; lands of the Sahel along the southern border of the Sahara; in and around Nigeria in West Africa; the island of Madagascar; smaller patches in East Africa and southern Africa.

Asia: Central and eastern China, much of mainland Southeast Asia, the islands of Borneo, and the Philippines.

Australia: Southeast Australia has a small area of serious concern.

Areas of Some Concern (light purple): Found in scattered regions across North America, South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia.

Stable Terrain (light blue): These areas include parts of North America mostly in Canada, South America in parts of Brazil, and in parts of Europe, Africa, and Asia.

Nonvegetated Land (dark blue): Predominantly in desert regions such as the Sahara, Central Asia, and parts of Australia.

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Areas at Risk of Soil Degradation

Per Capita Gross Domestic Product

South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA) Members

Wheat Production

Nuclear Site Capacity

Foreign Born Population


Areas of serious concern

Areas of some concern

Stable terrain

Nonvegetated land



US dollars




Million Metric Tons

Virgil C Summer nuclear power plant

River Bend nuclear power plant

Clinton nuclear power plant

Donald C Cook nuclear power plant

Catawba nuclear power plant

Columbia nuclear power plant

Limerick nuclear power plant

Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant

Sequoyah nuclear power plant

LaSalle nuclear power plant

Byron nuclear power plant

Watts Bar nuclear power plant

McGuire nuclear power plant

Alvin W Vogtle nuclear power plant

Braidwood nuclear power plant

Comanche Peak nuclear power plant

Waterford nuclear power plant

Browns Ferry nuclear power plant

Callaway nuclear power plant

Wolf Creek nuclear power plant

Seabrook nuclear power plant

Susquehanna nuclear power plant

South Texas nuclear power plant

Peach Bottom nuclear power plant

Palo Verde nuclear power plant

Grand Gulf nuclear power plant

Prairie Island nuclear power plant

Robert Emmett Ginna nuclear power plant

Point Beach nuclear power plant

Nine Mile Point nuclear power plant

Monticello nuclear power plant

H. B. Robinson nuclear power plant

Cooper nuclear power plant

Turkey Point power station

Bruce nuclear power plant

James A Fitzpatrick nuclear power plant

Surry nuclear power plant

Oconee nuclear power plant

Arkansas Nuclear One nuclear power plant

Calvert Cliffs nuclear power plant

Edwin I Hatch nuclear power plant

Joseph M Farley nuclear power plant

Millstone nuclear power plant

Davis Besse nuclear power plant

Dresden nuclear power plant

Quad Cities nuclear power plant

Beaver Valley nuclear power plant

Brunswick nuclear power plant

Shearon Harris nuclear power plant

North Anna nuclear power plant












