
MapMaster 3

Atlas (Beta)
MapMaster 3

Women in the Workforce

WorldSocial / HealthEconomic

Percentage of females (ages 15 and older) in the workforce by country

World Bank

Women in the workforce: More than 75 percent (dark blue): South-East Africa, Nepal. 60 to 75 percent (blue): Canada, Australia. 50 to 59.9 percent (light blue): United States, Russia. Less than 50 percent (very light blue): North Africa, parts of Asia, and America.

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Women in the Workforce

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) Members

Aquifers: Distribution and Recharge

Effectiveness of World Fisheries Management





very high (>300)

high (100–300)

medium (20–100)

low (2–20)

very low (<2)

high (100–300)

medium (20–100)

low–very low (<20)

very high–high (>100)

medium–very low (<100)

Bermudian Exclusive Economic Zone

Canadian Exclusive Economic Zone

United States Exclusive Economic Zone (Alaska)

United States Exclusive Economic Zone (Hawaii)

United States Exclusive Economic Zone

French Polynesian Exclusive Economic Zone

Kiribati Exclusive Economic Zone (Line Islands)
