
MapMaster 3

Atlas (Beta)
MapMaster 3

Barren or Sparsely Vegetated Areas

WorldPhysical Environment

Areas with little or no vegetation

Global Land Cover Facility

Barren or sparsely vegetated areas are highlighted in orange, including regions in northern Africa (Libya, Algeria), the Middle East, parts of Central Asia (Saudi Arabia), and the western coast of South America.

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Barren or Sparsely Vegetated Areas

Electricity Generation from Solar Power

Areas of Strong Tornado Occurrence

Gross National Income per Capita

Climate Zones

Barren or Sparsely Vegetated Areas



Billion kilowatt hours (kWh)

Areas of Strong Tornado Occurrence

Areas of Strong Tornado Occurrence

Areas of Strong Tornado Occurrence

Areas of Strong Tornado Occurrence



US dollars

Tropical rain forest (Af)

Tropical monsoon (Am)

Tropical savanna (Aw)

Tropical, subtropical hot desert (BWh)

Midlatitude cold desert (BWk)

Tropical, subtropical hot steppe (BSh)

Midlatitude cold steppe (BSk)

Humid subtropical moist all year, hot summer (Cfa)

Marine West Coast (Cfb, Cfc)

Mediterranean (Csa, Csb)

Humid continental, hot summers (Dfa, Dwa, Dsa)

Humid continental, mild summers (Dfb, Dwb, Dsb)

Subarctic, cool summer (Dfc, Dwc, Dsc)

Tundra (ET)
