
MapMaster 3

Atlas (Beta)
MapMaster 3

Facebook Users


The number of Facebook users in millions, by country

Internet World Stats

Global distribution of Facebook users by country. Dark blue shows highest number of users (over 100 million) in the United States, India, and Brazil. Lowest number (less than 1 million) shaded in light blue are in Africa (Niger) and smaller nations.

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Facebook Users

Southern African Development Community (SADC) Members

Global Surface Warming: Worst-Case Projections (NASA)

Climate Zones



Millions of users


2 to 2.5

2.5 to 3

3 to 3.5

3.5 to 4

4 to 4.5

4.5 to 5

5 to 5.5

5.5 to 6

6 to 6.5

6.5 to 7

7 to 7.5

Tropical rain forest (Af)

Tropical monsoon (Am)

Tropical savanna (Aw)

Tropical, subtropical hot desert (BWh)

Midlatitude cold desert (BWk)

Tropical, subtropical hot steppe (BSh)

Midlatitude cold steppe (BSk)

Humid subtropical moist all year, hot summer (Cfa)

Marine West Coast (Cfb, Cfc)

Mediterranean (Csa, Csb)

Humid continental, hot summers (Dfa, Dwa, Dsa)

Humid continental, mild summers (Dfb, Dwb, Dsb)

Subarctic, cool summer (Dfc, Dwc, Dsc)

Tundra (ET)
