
MapMaster 3

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MapMaster 3

Sea Ice Extent

WorldPhysical Environment

Mean extent of Arctic and Antarctic sea ice between 1981 and 2010


A world map shows the sea ice extent at the beginning of 2022, with the highest coverage in the Arctic region around Canada, Greenland, and Russia, and some presence in the Antarctic region. These regions are highlighted in light blue.

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Sea Ice Extent

Phosphates Production by Country

Origin of International Migrants Residing in the United States, 2020

Major Waterfalls and Cataracts

Sea Ice Extent



Million Metric Tons

Origin of International Migrants Residing in the United States, 2020

Origin of International Migrants Residing in the United States, 2020

Alexandra Falls

Athabasca Falls

Baileys Chute

Celilo Falls

Cohoes Falls

Cumberland Falls

Great Falls

Kettle Falls

Kootenai Falls

Little Falls

Louise Falls

Marcus Falls

Niagara Falls

Osprey Falls

Rearguard Falls

Sandstone Falls

Sherars Falls

Vermilion Falls

Virginia Falls

Waterloo Falls

Willamette Falls
