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Hydroelectric Power Production


The world's primary regions for producing hydroelectricity at dammed river power plants

Global Energy Observatory

The map shows the distribution of some of the world’s major hydroelectric dams and power-generating stations. In North America, these facilities are found in Canada in British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec, and Labrador. In the United States, they are on major rivers in the Pacific Northwest (for example, the Columbia River), Arizona and Utah (on the Colorado River), and in the Northeast in New York (on the Niagara River between United States and Canada) and New England. In South America, dams generate hydro power in Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil (particularly on the Paraná River and its tributaries), and in Argentina on the Rio de la Plata and on rivers that flow from the Andes mountains. In Europe, major hydroelectric facilities are found in Portugal, Norway, France, Switzerland, Ukraine (on the Dnieper River), and in Russia (on the Volga and on rivers in Siberia, which is in Asia). In Africa, these facilities have been constructed on the Nile River in Egypt, Sudan, and Ethiopia and between Zambia and Zimbabwe on the Zambesi River. In Southwest Asia, hydroelectric dams generate power on the Euphrates River in Turkey, the Tigris in Iraq, and Iran’s Zagros Mountains. In Central Asia, Tajikistan has a hydroelectric dam. In South Asia, dams have been constructed on rivers in northern Pakistan; in India on rivers in Kashmir in the north as well as in several places in central and southern India; and in Bhutan. In Southeast Asia, these facilities are found in Laos and Vietnam and in Indonesia on the islands of Java and Borneo. In East Asia, southwestern and central China have numerous hydroelectric dams, and there are also a few in northern China. Japan has a major hydroelectric dam between Tokyo and Osaka. The map does not show any hydropower production for Oceania.

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Hydroelectric Power Production

Agua Vermelha Hydroelectric Power Plant Brazil

Ahai Dam (Areva) Hydroelectric Power Plant China

Akosombo Hydroelectric Project Ghana

Aldeadavila Hydroelectric Power Plant Spain

Aswan High Dam Hydroelectric Power Plant Egypt

Ataturk Hydroelectric Power Plant Turkey

Bad Creek Hydroelectric Power Plant SC USA

Baishan Hydroelectric Power Plant China

Bath County Pumped Storage Hydroelecric Power Plant VA USA

Beauharnois Hydroelectric Power Plant Canada

Bento Munhoz (Foz do Areira) Hydroelectric Power Plant Brazil

Bersimis-1 Hydroelectric Power Plant Canada

Bhakra Nangal Hydroelectric Power Project India

Blenheim Gilboa Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Power Plant NY USA

Boguchany hydroelectric power station Russia

Bonneville Hydro Power Plant OR USA

Boundary Dam Hydro Power Plant WA USA

Bratsk Hydroelectric Dam Power Plant Russia

Bureya (Bureyskaya) Hydroelectic Power Plant Russia

Cahora Bassa Hydroelectric Power Plant Mozambique

Caruachi (Francisco de Miranda) Hydroelectric Power Plant Venezuela

Castaic Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Power Plant CA USA

Cheboksarskaya Hydroelectic Power Plant Russia

Chief Joseph Hydro Power Plant WA USA

Chirkey (Chirkeiskaya) Hydroelectric Power Plant Russia

Chivor Hydroelectric Power Plant Colombia

Churchill Falls Hydroelectric Generating Station Canada

Cirata Hydroelectric Power Project Indonesia

COO I and II Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Power Project Belgium

Dachaoshan Hydroelectric Power Plant China

Danipro (Dnieper) Hydroelectric Power Plant Ukraine

Danjiangkou Hydroelectric Power Plant China

Dinorwig Pumped Storage Power Station UK

Drakensberg Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Power Plant SA

Edolo Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Power Plant Italy

El Chocon Hydroelectric Power Plant Argentina

Emborcacao (Theodomiro Sampaio) Hydroelectric Power Plant Brazil

Eng Sergio Motta (Porto Primavera) Hydroelectric Power Plant Brazil

Eng Souza Dias (Jupia) Hydroelectric Power Plant Brazil

Entracque Chiotas-Piastra Pumped Storage Power Plant Italy

Estreito Hydroelectric Power Plant Brazil

Fengman Hydroelectric Power Plant China

Furnas Hydroelectric Power Plant Brazil

G M Shrum (W.A.C. Bennett) Hydroelectric Power Plant Canada

Geheyan Hydroelectric Power Plant China

Gezhouba Hydroelectric Power Plant China

Ghazi Barotha Hydroelectric Project Pakistan

Glen Canyon Dam Hydro Power Plant AZ USA

Goldisthal Pumped Storage Power Plant Germany

Grand Coulee Hydro Power Plant WA USA

Grand Maison Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Power Station France

Grande Dixence Hydroelectric Power Scheme Switzerland

Guangdong (Guangzhou) Pumped Storage Power Plant China

Guavio Hydroelectric Power Plant Colombia

Guri (Simon Bolivar) Hydroelectric Power Plant Venezuela

Helms Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Power Plant CA USA

Hoa Binh Hydroelectric Power Plant Vietnam

Hoover Dam Hydro Power Plant AZ/NV USA

Ilha Solteira Hydroelectric Power Plant Brazil

Imaichi Pumped Storage Power Plant Japan

Indira Sagar Hydro Power Plant India

Infiernillo Hydroelectric Mexico

Inga II Hydroelectric Power Plant Democratic Republic of Congo

Ingula Pumped Storage Power Station South Africa

Inguri (Enguri) Dam Hydroelectric Power Station Georgia

Iron Gate I Hydroelectric Power Station Romania

Ita Hydroelectric Power Plant Brazil

Itaipu Hydroelectric Power Plant Brazil-Paraguay

Itumbiara Hydroelectric Power Plant Brazil

John Day Hydro Power Plant OR USA

Jose Richa (Salto Caxias) Hydroelectric Power Plant Brazil

Karakaya Hydroelectric Power plant Turkey

Karcham Wangtoo Hydroelectric Project India

Kariba North Hydroelectric Power Station Zambia

Karun-3 Hydroelectric Power Plant Iran

Karun-4 Hydroelectric Power Project Iran

Keban Hydroelectric Power plant Turkey

Kettle Rapids Hydroelectric generating Station Canada

Koyna I-IV (Pophali) Hydro Power Plant India

Krasnoyarsk Hydroelectric Power Project Russia

La Grande-1 Hydroelectric Generating Station Canada

La Grande-2-A Hydroelectric Generating Station Canada

La grande-3 Hydroelectric Generating Station Canada

La grande-4 Hydroelectric Generating Station Canada

Lam Takhong Pumped Storage Power Plant Thailand

Lenin Komsomol Saratov Hydroelectric Power Station Russia

Limestone Hydroelectric Generating Station Canada

Linth-Limmern Pumped Storage Power Plant Switzerland

Long Spruce Hydroelectric Geneerating Station Canada

Ludington Hydro Power Plant MI USA

Luis Carlos Barreto de Carvalho (Estreito) Hydroelectric Power Plant Brazil

Luiz Gonzaga (Itaparica) Hydroelectric Power Plant Brazil

Macagua (Jose de Sucre) Hydroelectric Power Plant Venezuela

Machadinho Hydroelectric Power Plant Brazil


Mangla Dam Hydroelectric Project Pakistan

Manic-2 (Jean-Lesage) Hydroelectric Generating Station Canada

Manic-3 (Rene-Levesque) Hydroelectric Generating Station Canada

Manic-5 Hydroelectric Generating Station Canada

Manic-5-PA Hydroelectric generating Station Canada

Manuel Moreno Torres (Chicoasén)

Manuel Piar (Tocoma) Hydroelectric Power Plant Venezuela

Marimbondo Hydroelectric Power Plant Brazil

Markersbach Pumped Storage Power Plant Germany

Masjed-e-Soleiman Hydroelectric Power Plant Iran

Matanoagawa Pumped Storage Power Station Japan

Merowe Dam Hydroelectric Power Project Sudan

Mica Creek Hydroelectric Power Plant Canada

Mingtan Pumped Storage Power Plant Taiwan

Montaro-Tablachaca Hydroelectric Power Plant Peru

Mosul Hydroelectric Power Plant Iraq

Muddy Run Pumped Storage Hydro Power Plant PA USA

Nam Theun 2 Hydroelectric Power Project Laos

Nathpa Jhakri Hydro Electric Project India

Ney Braga de Barros (Segredo) Hydroelectric Power Plant Brazil

Nizhnekamsk Hydroelectric Power Station Russia

Northfield Mountain Pumped Storage Hydro Power Plant MA USA

Nuozhadu Dam Hydroelectric Power Plant China

Nurek Hydroelectric Power Project Tajikistan

Okawachi (Okochi) Pumped Storage Power Plant Japan

Okukiyoshi 1 and 2 Pumped Storage Power Plant Japan

Okumino Pumped Storage Power Plant Japan

Okutataragi Pumped Storage Power Station Japan

Okuyoshino Pumped Storage Power Station Japan

Omarugawa Pumped Storage Power Plant Japan

Outardes-3 Hydroelectric Power Plant Canada

Paulo Afonso Complex Hydroelectric Power Plant Brazil

Paulo Afonso IV Hydroelectric Power Plant Brazil

Piedra del Aguila Hydroelectric Power Plant Argentina

Presenzano (Domenico Cimarosa) Pumped Storage Power Plant Italy

R.H. Saunders Hydroelectric Power Plant Canada

Raccoon Mountain Pumped Storage Hydro Power Plant TN USA

Revelstoke Hydroelectric Power Plant Canada

Robert Moses Niagara Hydro Power Plant NY USA

Robert-Bourassa Hydroelectric Generating Station Canada

Rocky Mountain Pumped Storage Hydro Hydro Power Plant GA USA

Rocky Reach Hydro Power Plant WA USA

Roncovalgrande Pumped Storage Power Plant Italy

Salto Grande Hydroelectric Power Plant Argentina-Uruguay

Salto Osorio Hydroelectric Power Plant Brazil

Salto Santiago Hydroelectric Power Plant Brazil

San Carlos I and II Hydroelectric Power Plant Columbia

Sao Simao Hydroelectric Power Plant Brazil

Saratovskaya Hydroelectric Power Plant Russia

Sardar Sarovar Dam Hydroelectric Power Station India

Sayano-Shushinskaya Dam and Hydroelectric Project Russia

Serra da Mesa (Sao Felix) Hydroelectric Power Plant Brazil

Shahid Abbaspour (Karun-1) Hydroelectric Power Plant Iran

Sharavathi Hydro Power Plant India

Shimogo Pumped Storage Power Plant Japan

Shin Toyone Pumped Storage Power Plant Japan

Shin-Takasegawa Pumped Storage Power Station Japan

Shuibuya Hydroelectric Power Plant China

Sir Adam Beck II Hydroelectric Generating Station Canada

Sobradinho Hydroelectric Power Plant Brazil

Tala Hydroelectric Power Plant Bhutan

Tanbara (Tamahara) Pumped Storage Power Plant Japan

Tarbela Dam Hydroelectric Power Project Pakistan

Tehri Hydroelectric Power Project India

The Dalles Hydro Power Plant OR USA

Three Gorges Dam Hydroelectric Power Plant China

Tianhuangping Pumped Storage Power Plant China

Toktogul Hydroelectric Power Plant Kyrgyzstan

Tucurui Hydroelectric Power Plant Brazil

Upper Gotvand Hydroelectric Power Plant Iran

Ust-Ilimsk Hydroelectric Dam Russia

Vianden Pumped Storage Power Plant Luxembourg

Volgograd (Volzhskaya) Hydroelectric Power Station Russia

Votkinskaya Hydroelectric Power Plant Russia

Wanapum Hydro Power Plant WA USA

Xiaolangdi Hydroelectric Power Plant China

Xingu Hydroelectric Power Plant Brazil

Yacyreta Hydroelectric Power Plant Argentina-Paraguay

Yangyang Pumped Storage Power Plant South Korea

Zagorsk I Pumped Storage Hydroelectric Power Plant Russia

Zaiskaya (Zeya) Hydroelectric Power Plant Russia

Zhiguli (Zhigulyovskaya) Hydroelectric Power Station Russia
