
MapMaster 3

Atlas (Beta)
MapMaster 3

Years of Schooling

WorldPopulationSocial / Health

Average number of years of educational attainment by country


Countries with less than 5 years of mean schooling are shown in the lightest green. Countries with 5 to 7 years are shown in light green. Countries with 8 to 11 are in green, and countries with more than 11 are in dark green.

In North America, Canada and the United States both haven an average of 12 to 13 mean years of schooling. Mexico, Cuba, Jamaica, Belize, and Panama range from 9 to 11 years; Costa Rica, El Salvador, and Dominican Republic range from 7 to 8 years; and Haiti, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua range from 4 to 6 years. Most countries in South America range from 9 to 11 years, except for Colombia, Ecuador, Suriname, Brazil, and Paraguay, which range from 7 to 8 years. In Europe, most countries in northern Europe range from 12 to 13 years, except for Iceland, Finland, Belgium, and France, which range from 9 to 11 years. In southern and eastern Europe, most countries range from 9 to 11 years, except for Portugal, Bosnia, Herzegovina, and Macedonia, which range from 7 to 8 years. Most countries in Africa range from 4 to 6 years. Several, however, have only 1 to 3 years, including Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Chad, and Ethiopia; and a few, including Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Ghana, Gabon, Zambia, and Zimbabwe, have from 7 to 8 years. Botswana and South Africa range from 9 to 10 years. In Southwest Asia, Israel is 12 to 13 years; Armenia, Azerbaijan, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the Persian Gulf countries are 9 to 11 years; Turkey, Syria, Iran, and Oman range from 7 to 8 years; and Iraq and Yemen from 4 to 6 years. The Central Asian countries are 9 to 11 years, except for Afghanistan, which is 4 to 6 years. The countries of South Asia are 4 to 6 years, except for Sri Lanka, which is 9 to 11 years. In Southeast Asia, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam range from 4 to 6 years, whereas Thailand and Indonesia range from 7 to 8 years, and Malaysia and the Philippines from 9 to 11 years. In Oceania, Australia and New Zealand range from 12 to 13 years, and Papua New Guinea is 4 to 6 years.

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Years of Schooling

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Metric tons

Antarctic 200NM zone beyond the coastline

Azerbaijanis Exclusive Economic Zone

Marshall Islands Exclusive Economic Zone

Nauruan Exclusive Economic Zone

Palau Exclusive Economic Zone

Saint Kitts and Nevis Exclusive Economic Zone

Tuvaluan Exclusive Economic Zone

Yemeni Exclusive Economic Zone

Overlapping claim Chagos Archipelago Exclusive Economic Zone: UK / Mauritius

Overlapping claim Falkland / Malvinas Islands Exclusive Economic Zone: UK / Argentina

Overlapping claim Gibraltarian Exclusive Economic Zone

Overlapping claim Mayotte: France / Comoros

Overlapping claim South Georgia and South Sandwich Exclusive Economic Zone: UK / Argentina

Micronesian Exclusive Economic Zone

Madagascan Exclusive Economic Zone

Papua New Guinean Exclusive Economic Zone

Jamaican Exclusive Economic Zone

Portuguese Exclusive Economic Zone (Azores)

Aruban Exclusive Economic Zone

Bonaire Exclusive Economic Zone

Curaçaoan Exclusive Economic Zone

Dutch Exclusive Economic Zone

Saba Exclusive Economic Zone

Sint-Eustatius Exclusive Economic Zone

Sint-Maarten Exclusive Economic Zone

Russian Exclusive economic Zone

Guinea Bissau Exclusive Economic Zone

Japanese Exclusive Economic Zone

Italian Exclusive Economic Zone

Icelandic Exclusive Economic Zone

Anguilla Exclusive Economic Zone

Ascension Exclusive Economic Zone

Bermudian Exclusive Economic Zone

British Virgin Islands Exclusive Economic Zone

Cayman Islands Exclusive Economic Zone

Guernsey Exclusive Economic Zone

Jersey Exclusive Economic Zone

Montserrat Exclusive Economic Zone

Pitcairn Islands Exclusive Economic Zone

St. Helena Exclusive Economic Zone

Turks and Caicos Exclusive Economic Zone

United Kingdom Exclusive Economic Zone

Canadian Exclusive Economic Zone

Spanish Exclusive Economic Zone

Belizean Exclusive Economic Zone

Grenadian Exclusive Economic Zone

Bahraini Exclusive Economic Zone

Barbados Exclusive Economic Zone

Saint Lucia Exclusive Economic Zone

Cuban Exclusive Economic Zone

Seychellois Exclusive Economic Zone

Bruneian Exclusive Economic Zone

Solomon Islands Exclusive Economic Zone

Danish Exclusive Economic Zone

Faeroe Exclusive Economic Zone

Greenlandic Exclusive Economic Zone

Chilean Exclusive Economic Zone

Dominican Exclusive Economic Zone

Vanuatu Exclusive Economic Zone

Cypriote Exclusive Economic Zone

Swedish Exclusive Economic Zone

Honduran Exclusive Economic Zone

Croatian Exclusive Economic Zone

Sierra Leonian Exclusive Economic Zone

Venezuelan Exclusive Economic Zone

Maltese Exclusive Economic Zone

United Arab Emirates Exclusive Economic Zone

Mauritian Exclusive Economic Zone

Cook Islands Exclusive Economic Zone

New Zealand Exclusive Economic Zone

Niue Exclusive Economic Zone

American Samoa Exclusive Economic Zone

Guam Exclusive Economic Zone

Northern Mariana Exclusive Economic Zone

Puerto Rican Exclusive Economic Zone

United States Exclusive Economic Zone (Alaska)

Virgin Islander Exclusive Economic Zone

French Exclusive Economic Zone

French Polynesian Exclusive Economic Zone

Guadeloupean Exclusive Economic Zone

Kerguelen Exclusive Economic Zone

Martinican Exclusive Economic Zone

New Caledonian Exclusive Economic Zone

Réunion Exclusive Economic Zone

Saint-Barthélemy Exclusive Economic Zone

Saint-Martin Exclusive Economic Zone

Saint-Pierre and Miquelon Exclusive Economic Zone

Wallis and Futuna Exclusive Economic Zone

Comoran Exclusive Economic Zone

Bahamas Exclusive Economic Zone

Australian Exclusive Economic Zone

Christmas Island Exclusive Economic Zone

Heard and McDonald Islands Exclusive Economic Zone

Norfolk Island Exclusive Economic Zone

Antigua and Barbuda Exclusive Economic Zone

Trinidad and Tobago Exclusive Economic Zone

Ecuadorian Exclusive Economic Zone (Galapagos)

Ecuadorian Exclusive Economic Zone

Cape Verdean Exclusive Economic Zone

Indonesian Exclusive Economic Zone

Haitian Exclusive Economic Zone

Panamanian Exclusive Economic Zone

East Timorian Exclusive Economic Zone

Samoan Exclusive Economic Zone

Qatari Exclusive Economic Zone

Greek Exclusive Economic Zone

Malaysian Exclusive Economic Zone

Fijian Exclusive Economic Zone

Sao Tome and Principe Exclusive Economic Zone

Taiwanese Exclusive Economic Zone

Maldives Exclusive Economic Zone

Bangladeshi Exclusive Economic Zone

South Korean Exclusive Economic Zone

Vietnamese Exclusive Economic Zone

Norwegian Exclusive Economic Zone

Svalvard Exclusive Economic Zone

Nigerian Exclusive Economic Zone

Costa Rican Exclusive Economic Zone

Philippines Exclusive Economic Zone

Myanmar Exclusive Economic Zone

Chinese Exclusive Economic Zone

Irish Exclusive Economic Zone

Kiribati Exclusive Economic Zone (Gilbert Islands)

Kiribati Exclusive Economic Zone (Line Islands)

Kiribati Exclusive Economic Zone (Phoenix Islands)

Singaporean Exclusive Economic Zone

Dominican Republic Exclusive Economic Zone

Estonian Exclusive Economic Zone

Tongan Exclusive Economic Zone

Sri Lankan Exclusive Economic Zone

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Exclusive Economic Zone

Lebanese Exclusive Economic Zone

Eritrean Exclusive Economic Zone
